This story follows a family left destitute after the French Revolution and their quest to start a new life. The only thing in their way is a string of murders.
In this plagiarized version of The Old Manor House by Charlotte Smith, Orlando Somerville endures war, poverty, and two transatlantic voyages to be reunited with England, his lover, and a rightful inheritance.
This early nineteenth-century chapbook presents an intricate story about relationships and family, weaving together romance, violence, betrayal, and the actions of a supernatural force.
In this chapbook set in the county of Sussex and featuring royalty and forbidden love, one intriguing romance revolves around an Earl’s daughter and a mysterious man’s son who live alone in the woods.
Inspired by a George Henry Glasse translation, this chapbook connects the life of Louisa, a deranged wanderer of Bourton, England, to her greatest loss—the social denial of her identity as the German Emperor’s daughter.
In this chapbook set in the Grecian Isles, an evil magician and his accomplice stop at nothing to thwart the marriage of the beautiful Princess Evelina and her true love, Prince Valentia.